Your sponsorship, contribution, and purchase of the Eulalia poster enable us to meet our goals and fund our mission to break down barriers to entry and advancement in the cannabis industry - no matter gender or race - via education.
($0.00 shipping)
Support Tea Pad by purchasing the Eulalia Atlanta poster! The stunning framed-in-black wood poster underscores Tea Pad's commitment to ensuring equity in Atlanta's cannabis industry. Shipping and handling are included in the cost.
Tea Pad’s logo name, “Eulalia,” was inspired by American jazz great Cab Calloway’s mother, Martha Eulalia Reed. Cab grew up in West Baltimore's Sugar Hill neighborhood, which was considered Black society's political, cultural, and business hub in the early 1900s. His mother, Martha Eulalia Reed, was a Morgan State College (now Morgan State University) graduate who taught school in Baltimore. Eulalia underscores our mission to break down barriers to entry and advancement - no matter the gender or race - via education.
"When society tells my daughters that their lips are too big or their hair is too curly, I will point to this poster and tell them that Black and Brown skin girls are at the top.” - A Tea Pad Supporter
The first Tea Pad scholarship was the Tea Pad Scholarship for Black Entrepreneurship at Morgan State University.